Got pain? Injections may help you!

One of the treatments, in addition to acupuncture, I have found to be effective in helping people with their pain is injection therapy. I use homeopathic remedies and inject them into the region that is experiencing pain. 

Injections can be used for injuries such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, fractures, post-operative pain and edema, swelling of soft tissue, and inflammatory processes and degenerative processes associated with inflammation on the various organs and tissues, including, tennis elbow, golf elbow, bursitis, frozen shoulder, arthritis of the hip, knee and small joints.

My go to injectable for pain is Traumeel. Traumeel is manufactured in Germany and is considered a homeopathic or phytotherapeutic substance with a fixed combination of botanical and mineral extracts that are not highly diluted. Traumeel injection solution is indicated for the treatment of injuries, inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the musculoskeletal system and for the relief of associated symptoms such as pain. (, n.d.). There are no known side effects of Traumeel injections, which means there is no limit on the number of treatments a patient can receive. In comparison, cortisone shots have several side effects, which can delay or limit repeated treatments. Multiple studies have shown that Traumeel has comparable effectiveness to NSAIDs in reducing symptoms of inflammation, accelerating recovery, and improving mobility. 

Injections can also be used for facial acupuncture procedures (much safter than Botox), and to administer vitamins and minerals. Intuitive Transformations Wellness regularly has B12, the methyl cobalamin form, to administer. Methyl cobalamin is a naturally occurring form of vitamin BI2, a more bioavailable and active form of B12, and a natural co enzyme form. (Cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form of B12, not biologically active until converted to methyl cobalamin, by liver enzymes).

Written by Katrina McLaughlin

Christoph Muller-Lobnitz, D. G. (2011). Review of the Clinical Efficacy of the Multicomponent Combination Medication Traumeel and Its Components. Alternative Therapies, S18-S31. (n.d.). Traumeel. Retrieved from

Jan Kersschot. (n.d.). The Complementary Use of Homeopathic Preparations in Primary Care Practice. Journal of Biomedical Therapy.

Schneider, C. (2011). Traumeel-an emerging option to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the management of acute musculoskeletal injuries. Journal of General Medicine, 225-234.

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